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4125 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX, 77027



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Who's My Love? Candle


Who's My Love? Candle


Our Gold “Who’s My Love? candle is an intoxicating formulation of Cassis/Blackcurrent from the South of France, Bergamot that wraps you around a spicy floral along with Orchid and the gorgeous Peony. It does it’s seductive dance with Sandalwood and the earthy Vetiver from India then leaves you to linger on the soft Vanilla and calming Neroli.

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Who's My Love is a romantic candle for the dreamer in you.  It's development is part of the love affair that I had with my late husband.  He would call me on the phone and in his French/Spanish accent ask me "Who's My Love?"   I would respond with the uncertain "Me?"   He would then reply "C'est Toi" which is French for "It's you"......  

It's a beautiful memory for me of someone that will forever hold my heart....