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4125 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX, 77027


Kalkstuc Deco-High quality Stucco, decorative, sustainable and environmentally friendly.


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Kalkstuc Deco-High quality Stucco, decorative, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

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Kalkstuc Deco-High quality Stucco, decorative, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

from $56.00

Kalstuc deco appearance may vary from rough to a smooth glossy tadelakt look.  It can be applied on any firm, dry surface such as concrete, screed, tiles, walls, tables, MDF, and countertops. One  2 kg. back cover approx 13 to 14 square feet with two thin coats.  For tiles you will at least double because it requires 4 or more thin coats to cover well. 

KalkStuck comes in four colors. 

Salt (white color)

Leir (clay color)

Steypa (concrete color)

Kol (charcoal color)

KalkStuc Deco:
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Stuc Deco is a high quality Stucco, decorative, sustainable and environmentally friendly for use on floors, walls and countertops (kitchens, bathroom).  Stuc Deco easily allows to create shades like a tadelakt.  Appearance may vary from a rough , nuanced Stuc to a smooth, glossy tadelakt look.  Stuc Deco can be applied to almost any solid surface in good condition, such as paint, screed, concrete, tiles... Stuc Deco is particularly suitable for renovation of old bathrooms and tile floors.  Stuc Deco should be finished with StucVernisPU, StucHardWaxOil or StucSoap on all wet floors and surfaces.  It is alway advisable to avoid prolonged contact with moisture, to reduce the risk of blur occurring due to lime inside the product.  As long as the stucco is not protected avoid all contact with moisture.  Technical Datasheet are available on the website to print.

StucPrimer is a prep for Stuc Deco.  For interior and exterior use on walls, floor and tiles.  In preparation of absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces, including old surfaces for renovations.  Highly absorbent cement based surfaces 1:1 dilution with water.  StucPrimer can be used on old glazed tiles and slabs, artificial granite, artificial stone, smooth concrete, adhesive glue and putty residues, cement... NOT SUITABLE for synthetics, metal. 1- component, solvent free, Dipersion primer, containing quartz sand.  Ready for use, dries quickly.  Rough surface after drying.  Emission free(Emission class EC1).  Takes away the porosity of the surface.  Protects moisture-genitive surfaces against moisture coming from leveling compounds. 

StucVernis PU is a transparent water soluble 2K polyurethane varnish to protect STUC Deco.  It can be used on floors and walls, suitable for indoor and outdoor use.  StucVernis PU gives a good chemical resistance and higher scratch resistance to Stuc.  It protects against most household stains STUC.  StucVernis JPU slightly affects the color (depending on Color), but maintains the mineral mat look.