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4125 Richmond Avenue
Houston, TX, 77027



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Noir Fragrance 100ml


Noir Fragrance 100ml


Noir notes:

Sandalwood , Black Tea Leaves, Bergamot, Bulgarian Rose, Vetiver, Palo Santo Tree and much more….Men and women alike wear and love this fragrance. The smaller bottle is pure oil roll on also available for $50.00

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Our Antica Noir candle has been so well received that we have created the fragrance as well.  It is unisex so both men and women can wear.

 It is an erotic blend of Australian Sandalwood, Black Tea Leaves from the Far East, Egyptian Papyrus, North American Iris, Bergamot from Southern Italy, Vetiver native to India, and the essence from one of the rarest flowers in the world, the Bulgarian Rose.   These and many other other notes, including a subtle hint of the Palo Santo tree of South America.  Antica Noir is a global union of oils, flowers, resins, grasses, trees and plants resulting in a fragrant crescendo reminding us of the sophisticated beauty of our earth.

It is also the first of our collection that tells a love story through scent.  It's about passion, excitement, crazy love and being humbled all at the same time.  This scent does it all!

